Canine Degenerative Myelopathy And Treatment

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Patricik

Degenerative Myelopathy: New Methods of Treating DM

We have been receiving quite a few emails on how to treat the various sages of Degenerative Myelopathy. AS interest increased for answers to these questions I decided it would be helpful to educate people on what is the best way to help your dog during this difficult time.

Degenerative Myelopathy: The Stages of DM

In the early stages of degenerative myelopathy most people usually see the dogs hindquarters showing signs of weakness. Most people misdiagnosis the disease as hip displasia or arthritis. This is a big mistake as DM is an insidious disease that is all to easy to overlook in its earliest stages, unless you know exactly what your looking at.

It’s always a good idea, every month, to check the rear nails on your dog for uneven wear, especially on the inner portion of the dogs paw. This is usually one of the first visible signs that a dog presents when degenerative myelopathy initially starts taking hold.


It’s extremely important that you address DM and not wait until the symptoms progress worse. Another clue to look for is the difficulty your dog has getting up, balancing as he/she is standing and increased response time when the dog gains its balance again.

As degenerative myelopathy progress to later stages, you’ll see increasing difficult for your dogs ability to do normal things such as getting up, laying down, walking, not running, losing its balance and so on. At this point, it is vital that you start addressing these issues and not “hope” things will go away. Because, dealing with a progressive disease such as, degenerative myelopathy it won’t.

There isn’t much you can do to help your dog at this point in the disease. However, this does not mean that all is lost. As research from some of the best veterinarians and researches in the world continue to study degenerative myelopathy – things are starting to look up in helping slow if not completely stop the progression of this disease.

Degenerative Myelopathy Treatment: Stopping the Progression of DM

One of the best known products out their is a product which was originally developed for race horses in Australia called Sanus-Biotex. This new proprietary formula, just approved for release within the United States has been earning the respect of veterinarians across the country.

It’s formula is designed to increase or build up a protective layer around the nerve endings which surround the spinal column. This makes it much more difficult for the progressive nature of DM to progress up the spine to the dogs brain – usually slowing if not completely stopping the disease from developing more.

There is much more information available on their website (link below).

If your dog is suffering from Degenerative Myelopathy I highly recommend you give Sanus-Biotex a try. There is absolutely No Risk as you are guaranteed your money back if the designed treatment program shows no signs of improving your dogs way of life. It’s very important to act now, when confronted with the reality of this insidious disease. I’ve personally used Sanus-Biotex on our own family dog and can say “it truly saved our dogs life!” It also has saved countless others and you’ll be able to read many of the thank you letters from people around the country who found the formula a life saving tool in the fight against Degenerative Myelopathy -Including mine!

…And if you have any further questions regarding Sanus-Biotex and/or how much the formula has helped our family dog – please do not hesitate to email me. I would be happy to answer any of your questions you many have on this new treatment program and the success we have had in stopping the progression the disease.

Read Detailed Info about Sanus-Biotex at: degenerative-myelopathy dot com

Thanks for Reading,

Michael Patrick DVM

About the Author: I live and work in Palm Beach, Florida…As a Vet I have researched and studied dogs with mobility issues – Involving DM and other diseases.Lots more info on: Degenerative Myelopathy Treatment Here!


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